
Get paid, and get out.意思是拿钱,走人;I can fight for a cause. I won“t die for one.意思是我会为了理想而战,但不会因此,丢掉性命;Kings come and go, but gold stays.意思是国王们来来去去,但留下的只有金币;Everyone has a price.意思是每个人都可以明码标价;Wealth is my kind of burden.意思是对于我这种人来说,财富,也是一种负担;I make my own fortune.意思是我的财运我做主;Loyalty isn“t earned. It“s bought意思是忠诚,不是赢来的,而是买来的;Make me work for it.意思是让我来搞定这笔买卖;You can“t take it with you, so give it to me.意思是你是无法看住它的,所以把他给我吧!


Get paid, and get out.意思是拿钱,走人;I can fight for a cause. I won“t die for one.意思是我会为了理想而战,但不会因此,丢掉性命;Kings come and go, but gold stays.意思是国王们来来去去,但留下的只有金币;Everyone has a price.意思是每个人都可以明码标价;Wealth is my kind of burden.意思是对于我这种人来说,财富,也是一种负担;I make my own fortune.意思是我的财运我做主;Loyalty isn“t earned. It“s bought意思是忠诚,不是赢来的,而是买来的;Make me work for it.意思是让我来搞定这笔买卖;You can“t take it with you, so give it to me.意思是你是无法看住它的,所以把他给我吧 。
