gre备考经验分享 GRE阅读备考如何练习长难句( 二 )

3.一定要取舍 。我以前的标准是:
a)让步分句(如:带although的分句、带it is true的分句、带do的分句等)一律跳过(但是用括号括起来),只看后半个分句;
b)such as后的内容一律跳过,也用括号括起来,不过我会数数列举的个数,如果是4个,则必出题,其他个数不用管,出题了再回头看;
c)for example举例只要提炼关键词的首字母就可以了,也要括起来,重点看后面或前面的结论 。
d)原因——标志词常为BECause、since——一律跳过,括起来,只看结果 。比较容易被忽略的是result in和result from,遇到这两个,我在下面划横线做标记 。
e)老观点只把握关键词、知道讲的是什么就行,其他一律跳过 。
f)冒号后一律跳过,冒号下做标记 。
g)分号后一律跳过,因为表示并列,内容和前面大体一致,分号做标记,出题的话再回来看 。
现在的标准是:上面这些全看,因为速度上来了,但看这些内容时仍然是“毫无感觉”地看,可以不用担心它们会分散注意力了 。
当这些内容都做标记后,文章结构就非常清楚了,哪儿是举例、哪儿是结论、哪儿是原因、哪儿是转折一目了然,定位非常容易 。
4. (本来想把这条放在第一位的)我的提高阅读速度的不二法门:反复阅读已经读过的文章,5遍左右吧!慢慢地就会产生一种直觉,知道哪里略读哪里重读 。
Upon maturity,monarch butterflies travel hundreds of miles from their places of origin and lay their eggs on milkweed. The caterpillars that emerge feed on milkweed and absorb the glycosides in milkweed sap. The specific glycosides present in milkweed differ from region to region within the monarch butterfly’s range. Mature butterflies retain the glycosides in a mature monarch butterfly could be used to determine its place of origin.
Which of the following, if true, most strengthens the argument?
A. Mature monarch butterflies do not feed on parts of milkweed that contain glycosides.
B. The glycosides in milkweed sap are slightly toxic to caterpillars of other species.
C. The vast majority of the monarch butterflies that are laying eggs in a given region will have traveled there from a single region.
D. There are substances other than glycosides in milkweed sap that accumulate in a monarch caterpillar and are retained in the body of the mature butterfly.
E. There are certain glycosides that are found in the sap of all milkweeds, no matter where they grow within the monarch butterfly’s range.

