托福听力10大考点 托福听力9大常见问题应对方法详细讲解( 三 )

2.少写多画,少字多意 。理由很简单,写字母慢 。
3.用自己的特殊符号,这点需要自己平时连地时候多加注意 。有心的同学还可以去参考一下中高级口译的资料 。
1. 版面整洁 。虽然很多人都认为:无论你这么记,只要自己看得懂就行,但我还是建议大家用这种摸版 。可以让你笔记看上去更有条理,更容易被自己接受 。
2.认真分析听力部分的文章,你就会发现其节构和阅读文章相似,即 Main idea, support details, theme return to main idea,以及有些解题原则 。
2. 托福听力中最重要的解题原则,含义强调原则,举例原则,级别强调原则,解释原则,结论原则,对比原则,因果原则,问答原则,转折原则,开头原则,结尾原则,建议原则,人名原则 。
So, you see, physical illness can have psychological causes.
所以,你瞧,身体的疾病可以有心理的原因 。
Now, we just have time to introduce another interesting example of the interaction between the mind and the body, placebos.
Placebos—maybe you've heard them called sugar pills—are harmless substances, not always sugar, that are used routinely on groups of sick people in experiments.
安慰剂——也许你曾听过它们被叫做糖丸——是无害的物质,不总是糖,通常被应用在实验中的病人组 。
These experiments test the effectiveness of new drugs.
这些实验验证新药的效力 。
One group is given the new drug, the other group is given a placebo, and the results are measured.
一组(病人)给新药,另一组给安慰剂,并且测量结果 。
As you might guess, some of the people who receive the new drug get better.
像你可能会猜测的那样,得到新药的某些人会变好转 。
Surprisingly, however, some of the placebo group also get better.
然而,出人意料地,安慰剂组的某些人也会变好转 。
Why? Well, it's an interesting question, one which doctors can't quite answer.
为什么呢?好,这是个有趣的问题,一个医生不能完全回答的问题 。
Some of the group may have gotten better on their own, without any treatment at all, but research has shown that the very act of taking a medication that you think will make you better, often does make you feel better.
(安慰剂)组的某些人可能凭他们自己好转,根本没有任何治疗,但是研究表明,采用你认为会使你变好的药物的特殊行为,常常真的使你感觉变好 。
Have you ever taken an aspirin and felt better in five minutes?
Aspirin doesn't work that fast, does it?
