练托福听力 托福听力音乐绘画主题必考词汇整理( 三 )

他在建筑学上没有经过正规培训,但是作为他研究和观察其他建筑的结果,他能够帮助设计和建造房屋 。
He chose the site himself, naming the estate "Monticello," which means "little mountain" in Italian.
他自己选择了地点,命名这个地产"Monticello",这在意大利语中的意思是“小山” 。
In fact, many of the ideas behind the design also came from the Italian architect Andrea Palladio, who lived in the sixteenth century and who had a great influence on the architecture of England.
事实上,许多设计背后的理念也是来自于意大利建筑师Andrea Palladio,他生活在16世纪并且他在英国的建筑上有着巨大的影响 。
Jefferson, however, ignored one of Palladio's principles, that is, not to build in a high place.
然而,Jefferson,忽略了Palladio的一个原则,既,不在高处建房 。
Monticello's elevation made the transportation of what was needed at the house—for example, food—especially difficult.
Monticello的海拔使得房屋中的必需品的运输,比如,食物—极其困难 。
But the view from the estate would not be as spectacular if Jefferson had followed Palladio's advice;
但是来自这个地产的景观也就不会如此壮观,如果Jefferson 听从了Palladio的建议 。
there really is no boundary between the house and the nature around it, and so Jefferson was able to look out on his beloved state of Virginia from his wonderful vantage point.
在房子和环绕它的大自然之间真的没有界限,所以Jefferson才能够从他绝妙的优势地点面对他所挚爱的佛吉尼亚州 。
Now we'll go on to Jefferson's library.
现在,我们将接着去Jefferson的图书馆 。

【练托福听力 托福听力音乐绘画主题必考词汇整理】
