托福听力笔记技巧总结 托福听力笔记技巧( 三 )

4. Automobile pollution is a far greater problem than industrial waste.
汽车污染是一个比工业废物严重得多的问题 。
5. I’m used to getting up early.
我习惯于早起 。
6. Mary said she wanted to live by herself.
马利说她想独自生活 。
7. Red lettering on signs is much more noticeable than blue.
招牌上使用红色字体比蓝色更加醒目 。
8. He stood up for what he thought was right.
他坚持他认为是正确的事 。(stand up for:坚持 , 维持 。)
9. I’d like to skip the meeting, but I can’t just not go.
我想逃过这次会议 , 但我又不能就这样不去 。
10. I couldn’t get David to tell me where he is going on vacation.
我无法让戴维告诉我他假期去哪儿 。
11. The radio is too loud only for Ben.
只有本觉得收音机太响 。
12. Let’s leave the car at home and walk into town for a change.
我们把汽车放在家里走着进城吧 。(for a change:换个花样 , 换个口味 。)
13. Cavin raced through the station, afraid he’d miss the train.
凯文飞速跑入火车站 , 担心会耽误了火车 。
14. If we hadn’t made a wrong turn, we’d been on time.
如果不是我们转错了弯的话 , 我们会准时的 。
15. Better than half the class was absent.
一半多的学生缺席了 。
16. People from the television station have requested that viewers send in their suggestions.
电视台的人要求观众寄来他们的建议 。
17. Although John will never believe it, I did try to return his telephone call.
尽管约翰永远不会相信 , 我的确给他回了电话 。
18. Lunch wasn’t at all appealing today.
今天的午饭一点也引不起食欲 。
19. Robert tends to keep his opinions to himself.
罗伯特一向保留自己的意见 。
20. Let’s all try to keep quiet.
咱们都尽量小点声 。

