托福听力满分考试技术 托福听力满分考生分享平时和应试做笔记心得经验

托福听力如何做笔记一直是考生比较关注的一个问题 。今天小编给大家带来托福听力满分考生分享平时和应试做笔记心得经验,希望能够帮助到大家,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧 。
平日里只要是听一些比较有用的东西,我都会做记录 。跟大部分人一样,我有注意力涣散的毛病 。不记录会跑神 。
笔记的好处:第一注意力集中了,思路更清晰,细节更注意 。第二,内容留存,方便回顾 。第三,久了就知道什么地方是关键,重点,该记 。第三点很重要,直接关系到应试笔记 。
大家都听过这样的劝告,听力要记笔记,要记关键信息,要记细节,要记…… 这些劝告有多抽象,每一个考生都应该深有感悟 。
总结一句,我有更抽象的说法,记题目会问到的 。托福是为学生准备好大学课程,不是为难大家 。
所以托福会问的内容自然是你听完之后应该学到的内容 。如果我们不是抱着做题的心态,而是学习的心态,是不是就更容易知道该记什么?
应试刷题时,目的角度不同,技巧可培养,但是你体会不到为什么,就容易流于形式 。这是学习习惯,平时要注意养成 。
应试笔记有技巧,类似于口译笔记 。
关键内容,有提醒的关键词,要会自己可识别的缩写;纸张对折成几条,提纲式记录,用符号表示某些趋势 。这些是技巧,很容易成手 。
【托福听力满分考试技术 托福听力满分考生分享平时和应试做笔记心得经验】记过之后,做题时候会不会看?我个人很少回头看 。
基本上我考试笔记的目的和平时是很相似的 。落到笔头上,思路更清晰 。但是有几个点,是我在练习之后会提醒自己注意的 。起始时教授讲的目的,要记清楚,做题前要回头看,因为整篇lecture都围绕着这句话;细节题,要回头去确认 。
Donald Trump hasn't been running the most traditional campaign. And it's not just the unfiltered tweets. "He's neglecting campaigning full stop." Thomas Wood, an assistant professor of political science at Ohio State. "He's had about half as many public events as his opponent."
Wood's own campaign experience was with the Romney/Ryan ticket back in 2012. Every night, the campaign surveyed thousands of voters... 64,000 over all... asking them how they felt about the politicians, after a local visit. That is, if the voters actually knew about the visit.
"Instead of seeing candidate X visiting somewhere in Pensacola they're now seeing candidate X visit somewhere in their local market. And it's not really filtering through to that many folks that the visit was there—you know one event sort of looks like the other. They all sort of blend into each other. It's hard to make it clear to the person who's just watching the evening news that this was a visit in your local marketplace."
