雅思考试背单词技巧 雅思考试背单词的技巧学起来

雅思考试单词的记忆已经成为雅思考试备考中最基本也是最困难的部分 。今天小编给大家带来了雅思考试背单词的技巧,希望能够帮助到大家,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧 。
雅思考试背单词的技巧 学起来
雅思词汇在四六级词汇(5,500)的基础上提升了1,500左右词汇 。
半年又或是一年时间里参加雅思考试的学生:精背四六级词汇,力求可以做到听说读写所有掌握;选背诵雅思词汇,做到能够迅速反应出中文意思 。三个月时间中参加了雅思考试的学生:选择背诵四六级词汇,精背雅思词汇 。两个星期到一个月时间里参加考试的学生:按照自己如今的水平,选择精背四六级词汇或雅思词汇,但依然需要注意在考前一周不要在刻意去背记任何生词,需要返回把背过的词汇认真的复习一下 。
雅思学术类考试里出现的词汇把日常词汇除外,还会有些关于学术类的词汇,但是这些学术类词汇通常来自希腊语、拉丁语 。只要把词根、词缀了解了,才可以认识并且记住这些词,因此为了让自己的词汇在短时间里快速的扩大,还能够去集中记忆有的常见的词根、词缀 。有关常见的词根、词缀,能够参考《雅思考试扩充词汇阅读》 。
只记不复习也就是一种错误的做法 。若想效率高,应该去多次复习,如有一个小时,第一个20分钟能够记忆要记的词汇,第二与三两个二十分钟复习下 。同时复习的密度开始时要大,例如间隔为第一天、第二天、第四天,以后翻看一下即可 。
雅思词不可乱记 。有的偏僻名词能够暂时不理 。针对常见词应该通过听说读写加以巩固,例如可以找几个有关的例句,又或是在实践中加以运用便可以收到良好效果 。
雅思大作文:famous people’s support towards international aid organizations
雅思大作文题目:Some people believe famous people’s support towards international aid organizations draws the attention to problems, while others think celebrities make the problems less important. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
In this day and age, celebrities’ support towards international aid organizations is at an unprecedented level, which has triggered spirited debate regarding whether it draws the public attention to the problem or not. Personally, I agree with this opinion provided that celebrities give the appropriate assistance and set up good images.
From proponents’ perspective, the publicity of celebrities could raise the public awareness of certain social issues. To start with, campaigns of international organizations launched by famous singers, movie starts and sports professionals could cause widespread concern from ordinary citizens. For example, last year the Ice Bucket Challenge spread around the world within a few days by the sharing of it on the social networking sites by many celebrities. Moreover, since the support from the influential figure could generate media awareness, those charities can become the beneficiaries too. The reputation and credibility of charitable institutions can be greatly enhanced under the positive impact of top stars.
