They tried to kill the clock, but they lost the match by one goal.
他们试图采取拖延战术,但是还是以一分之差输了这场比赛 。
Doctors raced against the clock to save his life.
医生们争分夺秒地抢救他的生命 。
kill it
kill it 擅长做某事
外国人经常用kill it来表示一个人擅长做某事,如果我们想夸别人十分擅长做一件事,就可以用kill it 。
As we know,John kills iton dancing.
众所周知,John很擅长跳舞 。
you re really killing me
you re really killing me 笑死我了
在英语中,you are really killing me的意思不是你要了我的命,你杀了我,而是你真的要笑死我了 。当朋友给我们讲了个非常好笑的故事,我们就可以回一句you are really killing me 。
Stop it, you are really killing me.
你快别说了,笑死我了 。
go to the toilet 上厕所
water closet/lavatory/washroom 厕所
powder?room 化妆间
the gents男厕所
ladies room女厕所
n. 快餐;零食;小吃
It refers to a simple meal that is quick to cook and to eat or something such as a chocolate bar that you eat between meals.
它指的是简单易做的快餐,或是在两餐之间我们所吃的巧克力棒这样的零食 。
Linda prefers snacks than fruits.
比起水果,Linda更喜欢零食 。
Eating too much snacks is not good for your health.
吃太多零食对健康不好 。
n. 蛇
It refers to a reptile with a very long thin body and no legs.
它指的是一种身体细长、没有四肢的爬行动物 。
She is scared of snakes.
她很怕蛇 。
There is a snake on the tree.
树上有条蛇 。
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