overcome overcome的用法总结

overcome有战胜,克服,压倒,制服,…不堪的意思 。那你们想知道overcome的用法 吗?今天小编给大家带来了overcome的用法 ,希望能够帮助到大家,一起来学习吧 。
【overcome overcome的用法总结】vt.& vi. 战胜,克服,压倒,制服,…不堪
vt. 被(烟、感情等)熏[压]倒,使受不了
vi. 受到…的极大影响
变形:过去式: overcame; 现在分词:overcoming; 过去分词:overcome;
表示“被(烟、感情等)熏〔压〕倒,使受不了”时,一般用于被动结构 。
I realized that there is no way I can overcome it.我意识到自己没有办法战胜它 。
There will be no difficulty in the world that they cannot overcome.世界上任何困难他们都可以克服 。
We can and must overcome our shortcomings.我们能够而且必须克服我们的缺点 。
We shall overcome!我们一定胜利!
1.They suggested measures to overcome current difficulties.他们提出了克服目前困难的措施 。
2.I was suddenly overcome with an access of rage.我突然怒火中烧 。
3.We need a confident leader to overcome these difficulties.我们需要一个有信心的领导者来克服这些困难 。
4.She felt a wave of wild fury overcame her.她顿时觉得怒不可遏 。
5.After she’d overcome her initial shyness,she became very friendly.她克服了起初的羞怯之后,变得十分友善 。
6.Finally he overcame the auditory difficulties by three years' efforts.通过三年的努力, 他最终克服了听觉中的困难 。
7.Though a lie be well drest, it is ever overcome.谎言打扮得虽然漂亮,有朝一日总会被揭露.
8.Overcame childhood dyslexia to graduate second in his high-school class.克服幼儿时期所患的诵读困难症后以第二名的优异成绩毕业于一所中学 。
9.He was overcome with nausea after eating some bad food.他吃过坏食物后感到恶心 。
10.The doctor resuscitated the man who was overcome by gas.医生救活了那个煤气中毒的人 。
11.I was overcome with acute nostalgia for my days at university.我强烈地怀念大学时代的生活 。
12.We must learn to face difficulties squarely and try to overcome them."我们应该学会正视困难,努力克服困难 。"
13.The officers on duty were visibly overcome, many of them in tears.那些值班的官员明显不能自持,许多人都流出了眼泪 。
14.She was suddenly overcome by lethargy.她突然委靡不振 。
15.A firefighter was overcome by fumes at a blaze in a plastics factory.一名消防队员在一家塑料厂的火灾中被烟熏倒了 。
16.It overcomes a series of problems in transmission of tranditional strainometer and collector ring.它克服了传统的感应式和集流环传输的一系列问题 。
