gre对词汇量的要求 GRE对词汇量的要求是多少呢( 二 )

coalesce: 联合; (v.) to grow together
1) fuse or cause to grow together
coalesce <> separate, sepration, break apart, disaggregate, polarize, polarity, sunder, fragment, bifurcate
1. The bride and groom coalesced their funds to increase their collateral.
2. At the end of the conference the five groups coalesced in one room.
baneful: 有害的; Causing harm, ruin, or death; harmful
1) causing harm or ruin, sinister, ominous, pernicious, baleful
2) deadly or causing distress, death3) deadly or sinister
baneful <> salubrious, salutary
Not wearing a seat belt could be baneful.
noxious: 有害的, 有毒的;harmful to living things; injurious to health
maladroit: 笨拙的; Marked by a lack of adroitness; inept
1) clumsy; not skillful; awkward; bungling
maladroitness <> grace (选项有virtue;sincerity; sanguirity;salubrivity)
maladroit <> deft
maladroitness <> masterfulness
maladroitness <> deftness
maladroit : deft = voluble : terse
maladroit <> adept
maladroit <> dexterous
maladroit <> graceful
maladroit <> skillful
fumble : maladroit = change: inconstant 笨拙地乱摸:笨拙的=改变:无常的
maladroit : skill = glib : profundity
NIMBLE clumsy, awkward, inept, maladroit, sluggish lethargic fumbling , bumbling
POLITIC tactless, maladroit, injudicious, unwise
maladroit : deft expedite : footdragging
maladroit : deft loquacious : laconic
maladroit : DEFT glib : profundity / expedite:foot-dragging / voluble:terse
maladroit : SKILL glib : profundity bh6
deft <> awkward, clumsy, ham-handed, inept, maladroit
DEFTNESS<> maladroit
willowy rigid/intractable;awkward/maladroit
adroit: 灵巧的; 熟练的; 敏捷的
adept: 熟练的, 内行的; 拿手的
dexterous: 灵巧的, 机灵的
ascendancy: 优势; governing or controlling influence
1) controlling influence; domination
ascendancy <> having no influence
Most histories of science are success stories that conclude on a triumphal note with the final ascendancy of a theory that is the basis of subsequent inquiries by later researchers.
【注解】triumphal: [adj]胜利的ascendancy:[n]优势subsequent:[n]后来者 retrospective:[adj]回顾的, 向后看的extrapolation:[n]推断rebuttal:[n]反驳 反证
abstemious: 节制的, moderate in eating and drinking; temperate
1) moderate in eating and drinking; temperate
2) marked by restraint especially in the consumption of food or alcohol; also reflecting such restraint
3) sparing in eating and drinking; temperate
