pool怎么说 pool的用法总结大全( 二 )

patent pool 专利联营;专利权共享互用的一组企业
dirty pool [英国俚语]欺诈(或不正当、不道德)行为 , 欺骗的手法 , 不公平的竞技;[美国俚语]欺骗的伎俩;不道德(或不正直)的行为;
labor pool 劳动力储备
data pool 数据库;数据池
buffer pool 缓冲池;缓冲器组
resource pool 资源库
reflecting pool 倒影池
item pool 题库;项目池
Let's dunk in the pool before dinner.我们饭前到池塘里泡一会儿 。
2.He is disappointed with the pool car.他对这部公用汽车感到失望 。
3.This skylit "champagne" pool features bubbling jets.这skylit“香槟酒”池特征是泡沫喷出 。
4.A line of trees fringed the pool.水池周围种植着一排树木 。
5.In spring we uncover the swimming pool.春天我们移去游泳池的覆盖物 。
6.She crawled across the pool in record time.她以最高记录的速度用自由式游过游泳池 。
7.They lazed around the pool in the afternoon.他们下午在游泳池里消磨 。
8.A fringe of trees stood round the pool.水池的四周耸立着一圈树木 。
9.Let's pool our resources to finish the project quickly.让我们集合我们的资源以尽快完成这个项目
10.The win on the pools was a real bonus.赌博赢钱真是意外收获 。
11.He really cleaned up at the football pools today.他在今天的足球赌注中发了大财 。
12.Our yard is spacious enough for a swimming pool.我们的院子很宽敞, 足够建一座游泳池 。
13.The receding tide pooled in hollows along the shore.潮水退去后留下的小水洼
14.The boy dived into the swimming pool from the divingboard.那个男孩从跳板上一头潜入游泳池 。
15.The swimmer dived into the swimming pool from the divingboard.游泳运动员从跳板上潜入游泳池 。
16.Their new pool made them the envy of their neighbors.他们的新游泳池受到邻居的羡慕
17.There is a big indoor swimming pool in this hotel.这家旅馆内有一个大的室内游泳馆 。
18.They proposed a third formula for the new swimming pool.他们为新游泳池提出了第三种方案 。
19.I had a dip in the 40 degree pool (yikes!).我竟在华氏40度的游泳池里游泳(呀!) 。
20.We’ve got the thumbs up for the new swimming pool.我们要求建一个新游泳池的提议得到了批准 。

