star的用法总结大全( 二 )

Press star, you can open the door.
按星形图案,你能打开门 。
3.星级 [C] a mark that represents a star and tells you how good sth is, especially a hotel or restaurant
While in Taipei, he stayed at a four star hotel.
他在台北逗留期间住在一家四星级旅馆 。
4.明星 [C] a famous and excellent singer, performer, sports player
The judge is said to have an illicit love affair with a film star.
据说那个法官与一个电影明星有段风流韵事 。
5.星象 [C] a description of what sb thinks is going to happen to sb in the future, based on the position of the stars and planets when they were born
From the night stars, he deduced that it would be windy.
夜观星象,他推断出将要刮风 。
1.(由某人)主演 [I,T] to have the main parts in a film / movie, play, etc
The new play stars three of Britain's best actors.
这部新戏由英国最出色的三位演员主演 。
2.为(某物)标上星号 [T] to put a symbol shaped like a star (called an asterisk ) next to a word, etc. in order to make people notice it
Please star the room, I will have a baby soon.
请用星状物装饰房间,我很快要有一个孩子了 。
evening star
n. 晚星
film star
north star
shooting star
n. 流星 陨石
star shell
n. 照明弹
The _____ seemed to twinkle hope to us.
这颗星星似乎向我们闪烁希望 。

