小编整理了GRE考试必备短语,一起来学习吧,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧 。
GRE考试必备短语:at a premium
at a premium
英文解释:If something is at a premium, people need it or want it, but there is little of it available or it is difficult to get.
【gre考试内容与题型 GRE考试必备短语】中文解释:稀缺的
例句:Property is an excellent investment, particularly in Dublin, where space is at a premium but demand remains high.
GRE考试必备短语:be at odds with
be at odds with
英文解释:if one statement or description is at odds with another, it is different when it should be the same.
例句:Blake's version of night's events was at odds with the official police report.
GRE考试必备短语:without fail
without fail
英文解释:if you do something without fail, you always do it.
例句:I go to the gym every Monday and Wednesday, without fail.
GRE考试必备短语:nothing short of
nothing short of
英文解释:almost or equal to
例句:His accusation is nothing short of slander and has no value.
英文解释:used to emphasize a situation, quality, or type of behavior.
例句:The party was nothing short of a
disaster as it ended early and people went home unhappy.
GRE考试必备短语:keep something at bay
keep something at bay
英文解释:prevent someone or something from approaching or having an effect.
例句:If we can keep the rabbits at bay, we should have a good crop of vegetables in the garden.
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