目前欧美最流行什么 美国当下最流行的常用习语( 二 )

美国习语: 坐立不安,七上八下
The company financial report isn't due until next Friday. But the boss has ants in his pants and wants us to have it all ready for him on Tuesday morning. Say, what happened to the order for table seven? The guy's been waiting for a half hour and he's really getting ants in his pants for the cheeseburger and fries he ordered. Sitting there at my sister's wedding dinner, I had butterflies in my stomach because I know I'd have to stand up and make a speech. Yeah, sure I had butterflies in my stomach in the locker room. But once I got out on the court and caught that first pass, I was just fine.
ants in your pants to have butterflies in one's stomach 科学家们说,昆虫,也就是我们一般说的小虫子,对人类有不少好处 。到目前为止,科学家们已经发现的昆虫共有七十万种 。世界上竟然会有这么多不同的小虫子,你可能会觉得难以相信 。有些小虫子,我们还少不了它们,例如,蜜蜂传播花粉,使得植物得以繁殖 。还有些虫子会杀害虫,在有的国家里,小虫子还能当食品 。可是,尽管如此,大概喜欢蟑螂的人还是不多的 。美国的成语和俗语就可以反应出人们很讨厌那些生活在我们周围的小虫子 。今天我们来向大家解释两个成语,都是和小虫子有关的 。我们要讲的第一个俗语是 ants in your pants 。Ants 就是蚂蚁, pants 就是裤子 。蚂蚁钻进了裤子,你可以想象是个什么滋味了 。你肯定坐不住了 。Ants in your pants 这个俗语的意思就是一个人很紧张,坐立不安 。我们来举个例子吧: "The company financial report isn't due until next Friday. But the boss has ants in his pants and wants us to have it all ready for him on Tuesday morning." 这句话的意思是:"我们公司的财务报告应该是下星期五才交 。但是,我们的老板紧张得要命,非要我们在星期二早上就交给他 。" 坐立不安并不一定是由于精神紧张 。有的时候,不耐烦的心情也会使人坐立不安 。下面就是一个小饭馆的女服务员在和厨师讲话: "Say, what happened to the order for table seven? The guy's been waiting for a half hour and he's really getting ants in his pants for the cheeseburger and fries he ordered." 这位服务员说:"喂,七号桌子点的东西好了吗? 那人等他点的奶酪汉堡包和炸薯条已经等了半个小时啦,他都有点不耐烦了 。" 有些蝴蝶是很漂亮的 。但是,他们在美国一个俗语里出现的时候就不见得漂亮了 。这个俗语是这么说的: To have butterflies in one's stomach 。大家都知道, butterflies 是指蝴蝶, stomach 是人身体里消化食品的胃 。To have butterflies in one's stomach,从字面上来解释就是,一个人的胃里有蝴蝶 。可是,这个说法的真正意思是一种持续不断的恐惧、紧张或忧虑的心情,和中文里说的"心里感到七上八下"很相似 。要是你很怕在大庭广众发表讲话的话,你就可能对你的朋友说: "Sitting there at my sister's wedding dinner, I had butterflies in my stomach because I know I'd have to stand up and make a speech." 这句话的意思是:"我姐姐结婚那天晚上举行宴会的时候,我坐在那里心里直感到七上八下,因为我知道我得站起来讲话 。" 我们再来听听一个篮球运动员在比赛完毕后讲的话: "Yeah, sure I had butterflies in my stomach in the locker room. But once I got out on the court and caught that first pass, I was just fine." 这位篮球运动员说:"比赛前在更衣室里的时候,我当然感到很紧张不安 。可是,等我一上场,接到第一个传来的球的时候,我就没事了 。今天我们给大家介绍了两个俗语,第一个是 ants in your pants 。Ants in your pants 是坐立不安的意思 。这种坐立不安的心情可能由各种原因造成的,例如紧张,或是不耐烦等 。我们今天讲的第二个俗语是 to have butterflies in one's stomach 。这是指心情不安,心里感到七上八下的意思 。
