my family英语作文带翻译

每个人都有自己的家庭,你的家庭是怎样的呢?宝贝网为大家提供《my family英语作文带翻译三篇》,欢迎阅读 。

my family英语作文带翻译

篇一:my family英语作文带翻译
you haven't been to mhome? you will see mhome feel verordinary, but i think mfamilivergood. i'll introduce.
mfamillivein the countreallbring shuguang primarschool on the first floor. mdoor isilver. a pile of coal ientered the kitchen, on the left, on the right ithe bowl of cabinet. out of the kitchen ion the right ithe bathroom (toilet). straight walk into a room, iverbig, put two beds, two cabinets, there ia small box and a big carton. one out of the room ithe living roo the sitting room hatwo table, two cabinets. a cabinet on the tv. our familiusuallwatch tv here. go straight up a staircase, on which there are three rooms, one imsister and i, one imparents, one irent out for the school office. mroom hatwo small table, a big bed and a small bed, mom and dad'room haa big bed and a table.
live seven people in mfamily. the seven are: father, mother, grandmother, sister, brother, sister. mfather love to placards, watch tv, smoking, drinking, hijoito repair the motorcycle. mother love knitting wool, no work, at home to our meals, laundry... sister love rubber band skipping, primarschool, grade 2.
i love mhome, the home imrelon, i can't have no home.
你们没有到过我家吧?你看到我家一定会觉得很平凡,但我觉得我家很好 。我就来介绍介绍 。
我家住在道真县曙光小学家属楼一楼 。我家的门是银灰色的 。一进门就是厨房,左边堆着煤,右边是放碗的柜子 。出了厨房的右面是洗手间(厕所) 。直走进去是一个房间,很大,放了两张床,两个柜子,还有一个小纸盒和一个大纸盒 。一出房间就是客厅 。客厅有两张桌子,两个柜子 。一个柜子放的电视 。平常我们一家就是在这里看电视 。直走上去有一个楼梯,上面有三个房间,一个是我和妹妹的,一个是爸妈的,一个是租出去做学校办公室用的 。我房间有两张小桌子,一张大床和一张小床,爸妈的房间有一张大床和一张桌子 。
我家里住有七个人 。这七个人是:爸爸、妈妈、奶奶、妹妹、哥哥、姐姐 。我爸爸爱打牌、看电视、抽烟、喝酒,他的工作是修摩托车 。妈妈爱打毛线,没有工作,在家给我们做饭、洗衣……妹妹爱跳皮筋,上小学二年级 。
我爱我家,家是我的依靠,我不能没有家 。
篇二:my family英语作文带翻译
everyone haa beautiful and happfamily, the familihappy, the familihome, the familibusy.
i also have a happy, happfamily, i'd like to introduce mfamily, father, mother, grandmother, lovelbrother and i, thiiour familmembers.
dad usuallwork ibusy, can onlcome back in a daor two a week, sometimea week can come back, come back, i want to hug mdad, mdad alwaysaid how old, i alwaysaid that i am a long not big kid forever. ha ha.
