rumors歌词 rumors歌曲简介

rumors歌词 rumors歌曲简介

【rumors歌词 rumors歌曲简介】1、《Rumors》歌词如下:
Saturday steppin into the Club 周末沉浸在热浪舞厅里
The music made me wanna tell the DJ 音乐想让我告诉DJ
Turn it Up 开大点声
I feel the Energy All around 我感觉浑身是劲
And my body cant Stop movin to the sound 身体经不起音乐的挑衅
But I cant tell that your watchin me 我很清楚 你盯着我看
And your probably gonna write what you didnt see 看不到的 你差不多要开始乱编
Well I just need a little Space to Breath 我只是需要一点喘息空间
Can you please Respect my Privacy 请尊重一下我的隐私
Why cant you just let do 为什么你不让我
Do the things I wanna do 做我想做的事
I just wanna be Me 我不过是要做自己
I dont Understand Why 我真的不了解
Would you wanna Bring me down 为什么你这么想欺负我
When I′m only having Fun 我只是想要开心
I′m gonna live my life(But Not the Way that you want me to)我只是想要活出自己(但不是照你的意思)
I′m tired of Rumors Started
I′m sick of bein′Followed 我受够了被人跟踪
I′m tired of people Lyin 我厌倦了谎话连篇
Sayin what they want about me 说他们多么喜欢我
Why cant they Back up off me 为什么不能放过我
Why cant they let me live
I′m gonna do it my way 我想要走自己的路
Take this for just what it is 拒绝一切干涉打扰
Here we are Back up in the Club 再度回到热浪舞厅
People Takin Pictures Dont you think they get enough 镁光灯闪个不停
Dont you think they get enough 你到底拍够了没有
I just wanna be all over the Floor 我只想要走进舞池
And throw my hands up in the air to a beat like (What?)跟着节奏 尽情摇摆
Ive gotta say respectfully 我想好声好气的说
I would love it If you took the Camers off of me 请放下摄像机饶了我
Cause I just want a little room to breathe 我只是想要一点喘息的空间
Can you please Respect My Privacy 请尊重一下我的隐私
Why cant you just let do 为什么你不让我
Do the things I wanna do 做我自己想做的事
I just wanna be me 不过是要做自己
I dont understand why 我真的不了解
Would you wanna bring me down 为什么你这么想欺负我
Im only having fun 我只不过是想要开心
Im gonna live my life(But I can tell that youre watching me)我只是要活出自己(但不是照你的意思)
I′m tired of Rumors Started 我厌倦了八卦谣言
I′m sick of bein′Followed 我受够了被人跟踪
I′m tired of people Lyin 我厌倦了谎话连篇
