葡萄的英语单词 grape怎么读

葡萄的英语单词是grape , 读音是:英 [ɡre?p] 美 [ɡre?p] 。n.葡萄 , 复数: grapes 。例句:1、Sour grape can never make sweet wine.酸葡萄酿不出甜酒 。2、The sun shines through the grape-leaves.太阳从葡萄树叶中穿过 。

葡萄的英语单词 grape怎么读

1、葡萄的英语单词 grape怎么读葡萄的英语单词是:grape
读音:英 [ɡre?p] 美 [ɡre?p]
释义:n. 葡萄;葡萄树;深紫色;[军]葡萄弹
葡萄的英语单词 grape怎么读

2.grape相似短语sour grape 酸葡萄 , 妒嫉之物;酸葡萄心理
grape colaspis 葡萄肖叶甲
grape picker 葡萄粒摘取机
grape vine 葡萄藤
concord grape phr. 康科特葡萄
grape mole 【医】 葡萄胎, 水泡状胎块
scab of grape 葡萄黑痘病
grape ice 冰冻葡萄汁
pressed grape 压过汁的葡萄, 葡萄渣
grape cluster 葡萄串
葡萄的英语单词 grape怎么读

3、grape的双语例句1.The colouring pigments from the skins are not allowed to bleed into the grape juice.
外皮上的色素不能渗到葡萄汁里面去 。
2.The grape vine climbed up along the wall.
葡萄藤沿墙攀缘而上 。
3.Grape Valley where the mountain field around the monuments for the Jieshi Shan another meet.
葡萄沟所在的山场周围 , 为碣石山中的名胜古迹又一荟萃之地 。
4.The grapes will soon be ripe. let's speed up our preparations for the grape harvest.
葡萄快熟了 , 得上紧准备收摘了 。
5.The storm has blasted our grape.
暴风雨毁了我们的葡萄 。
6.Analysis of fruit development and quality characters of early grape 90-1
【葡萄的英语单词 grape怎么读】早熟葡萄90-1浆果发育动态及品质性状分析
7.Application of Statistical Analysis in the Evaluation of Grape Wine Quality
8.Each grape means a good month in the new year!
每粒葡萄象征着新年的每个月 。
9.High Accuracy Measurement of Grape Stem Diameter Based on Computer Vision
10.Expert System for Grape Disease Diagnosis Based on the Artificial Neural Networks
11.Construction and Implementation of the Grape Germplasm Resources Database System
12.Discussion on Classification and Relationship of Chinese Wild Species of Grape
13.Evaluation of Grape Quality and Relationship Between Grape Quality and Soil Texture
