有点伤感色彩的英文句子 有什么伤感的英文句子

有点伤感色彩的英文句子 有什么伤感的英文句子

【有点伤感色彩的英文句子 有什么伤感的英文句子】1、不会哭,不会笑,累了我就会消失一下 。
Cant cry, cant laugh, tired I will disappear.
2、我对流年毫无愧疚,那么流年赠予我的遗憾将不存在 。
I have no guilt about LiuNian, so the regret that LiuNian gives me will not exist.
3、带着微笑远离是幸福的,所有的不舍,留给守候的那个人 。
With a smile away is happy, all not give up, to wait for that person.
4、真正属于自己的时间,是在和全世界说了晚安之后 。
The time that really belongs to me is after saying good night to the whole world.
5、话还没来得及说,也就不需要再去做一些没有意义的事情 。
You dont need to do something meaningless before you can say it.
6、记住不代表是永远,忘记不代表没发生 。
Remember that doesnt mean forever, forgetting doesnt mean it didnt happen.
7、你必须十分努力,才能看起来毫不费力 。
You have to work very hard to look effortless.
8、聊天记录都是你的消息,害怕看到,却又不舍得删掉 。
Chat records are all your news, afraid to see, but not willing to delete.
9、我们的回忆已经没有皱折,你却用离开烫下句点 。
Our memories have no wrinkles, but you use to leave the end.
10、我只是卑微的小丑,翻几个跟斗,就等你拍一拍手 。
Im just a humble clown, turn a few somersaults, waiting for you to clap your hands.
