简短早安精美短句英语 唯美正能量的早安语

简短早安精美短句英语 唯美正能量的早安语

人活着就要快乐 。People alive will be happy.
有努力就会成功!Efforts will be successful!
失败是成功之母!Failure is the mother of success!
失败乃成功之母 。Failure is the mother of success.
放弃也是一种解脱 。Give up is a relief.
相信自己 , 你能行!Believe in yourself, you can do it!
不断奔跑才是人生 。Running is the life.
我的青春由我操纵 。I control my youth.
过程用心 , 结果随缘 。Process with your heart, as a result, fate.
【简短早安精美短句英语 唯美正能量的早安语】眼要看远 , 脚要近迈 。Eye to see far, feet closer to exceed.
