

【一直不太明白分词做定语和做状语的区别】一、-ing分词作定语的两种功能功能一:用于表示被修饰名词的动作或特征——这就是传统语法中说的现在分词 。如:I learnt another astonishing fact. 我了解到另一个令人吃惊的事实 。All bedrooms in this hotel have hot and cold running water. 这家旅馆每间卧室都有冷热自来水 。功能二:用于表示被修饰名词的用途或目的——这就是传统语法中说的动名词 。如:The doctor told me not take sleeping pills. 医生叫我不要服安眠药 。Guests have free use of the hotel swimming pool. 客人可免费使用宾馆的游泳池 。比较:a sleeping car (=a car for sleeping) 卧车(sleeping用于说明car的用途)a sleeping baby (=a baby who is sleeping) 睡觉的婴儿(sleeping用于说明baby的动作)二、-ing分词作定语的两种位置位置一:前置 。单个的-ing分词作定语,通常都置于被修饰名词之前(例句见上面) 。位置二:后置 。若是-ing分词短语作定语,通常都置于被修饰名词之后(可转化为定语从句) 。如:There were some children swimming (=who were swimming) in the river. 有些小孩在河里游泳 。The taxi taking (=which took) us to the airport broke down. 送我们去机场的出租车中途坏了 。三、-ing分词作状语的九种用法-ing分词用作状语时有九种作用—表示时间、原因、条件、让步、方式、伴随、目的、程度和结果 。如:用法一:表示时间Putting down my newspaper, I walked over to the window. 我放下报纸,走到窗前 。用法二:表示原因Being unable to help in any other way, I gave her some money. 由于无法给她什么别的帮助,我就给了她一些钱 。用法三:表示条件Adding them all up, we can find the answer. 如果把它们加起来,我们就可以得到答案 。用法四:表示让步Knowing all this, they made me pay for the damage. 他们尽管了解这一切,还是要我赔偿损失 。用法五:表示方式You made me look so small correcting me in front of everybody. 你当众纠正我的错误,弄得我很难为情 。用法六:表示伴随He walked along in front of me, holding the lantern. 他提着灯笼走在我前面 。用法七:表示目的I often go shopping with mother on Sundays. 星期天我常跟妈妈买东西 。说明:现在分词用作目的状语的用法非常有限,主要见于那些表示人们所从事的活动方面的动词,如boating, climbing, fishing, hunting, riding, sailing, shopping, shooting, skating, skiing, swimming, walking, washing等(www.yygrammar.com) 。用法八:表示程度He wore his thin coat in freezing cold days and fell ill soon. 他在冰冷的天还穿着单薄的大衣,不久就病倒了 。说明:现在分词作程度状语的用法也很有限,主要见于以下表达(其中的现在分词相当于very):boiling hot,burning hot,freezing cold,soaking wet等 。用法九:表示结果I fell, striking my head against the door and cutting it. 我摔了个跟头,头撞在了门上,划了个口子 。
