
“Star Zoo” tells us that human beings are the most successful animals on the planet earth 。Success means success in the struggle with other animals 。
【星际动物园故事的英文大概内容】《星际动物园》讲述了人类是地球这颗行星上最成功的动物 。所谓成功,是指在与其他动物的斗争中取得的成功 。
Man is invincible in the struggle for food or land 。People cut down trees,build houses or factories,and grow their own food 。
在争夺食物或土地的问题上,人类战无不胜 。人类砍伐树木,修建房屋或工厂,自己种植粮食 。
Human beings are invincible because they can think,speak,use tools and make sophisticated machines 。
人类战无不胜是因为人类会思想,会说话,会使用工具,会制造精妙的机器 。
Even if the human fight is not without victory,it is still an animal after all 。
就算人类再战不无胜,但终究还是动物 。


1、有的人走了就再也没回来过,所以,等待和犹豫才是这个世界上最无情的杀手 。
Some people leave and never come back,so waiting and hesitation are the most merciless killers in the world 。
2、在你面前我变得很低很低,低到尘埃里 。但我的心里是喜欢的,从尘埃里开出花来 。
In front of you I become very low,very low,low in the dust 。But my heart is like,from the dust out of the flowers 。
