【萨特的磨房 是谁唱的?】
萨特的磨房 演唱者:Dan Fogelberg 1951年8月13日出生在美国伊利诺斯州 。自幼随祖父修习钢琴及滑音吉他等多种乐器 。1971中断了大学的美术专业 , 投身到加州的民歌界 。至此开始了自己的演艺生涯 。Dan Fogelberg , 是美国歌坛最富浪漫气质的诗人歌手 。他的作品具有明朗和谐的旋律及温柔缠绵的歌词 , 使得Fogelberg的歌具备了一切使人喜爱的条件 。较为严格的讲Dan Fogelderg并不是一位真正意义上的乡村艺人 。他的风格横跨了乡村、民谣和摇滚 。但这首(Sutter's Mill)无论从体裁(叙事类)、配器(口琴、班卓、吉他、dobro、fiddle等)节奏和旋律上都是一首乡村风格十足的歌曲 。萨特的磨坊 故事的发生要从1847年的春天说起,老约翰.萨特在磨坊外拾到一块金子,于是带着它去了城里,在那里关于金矿的消息如野火蔓延开来,萨特很快就后悔,该把那块石头留在河床上.人们集聚如蝗,男人、女人和孩子们,在大篷车笨重的前行中,将车辙留在原野上 有人无功而返,有人心遂所愿;有人长眠异乡,有人图财害命;有人将感激上帝解脱了他们,有人会诅咒约翰萨特的磨房.他们有的来自纽约城,有的来自阿拉巴马州,带着他们的发财梦,来到这荒蛮的土地上,一些人在穿越平原时命丧箭下,一些人失踪在洛基山脉冻饿而亡. 有人无功而返,有人心遂所愿;有人长眠异乡,有人图财害命;有人将感激上帝解脱了他们,有人会诅咒约翰萨特的磨房. 一些人执著前行去往加州,一些人驻足不往休养生息,1860年时他们开发了西部铁路,随后而至荒原终被开发和征服,当约翰萨特离开人世,自己却一文不名. 有人无功而返,有人心遂所愿;有人长眠异乡,有人图财害命;有人将感激上帝解脱了他们,有人会诅咒约翰萨特的磨房,有人会诅咒约翰萨特的磨房,有人的欲望却永远无法满足 英文歌词: In the Spring of Forty-seven, So the story, it is told, Old John Sutter went to the mill site Found a piece of shining gold. Well, he took it to the city Where the word, like wildfire, spread. And old John Sutter soon came to wish he'd Left that stone in the river bed. For they came like herds of locusts Every woman, child and man In their lumbering Conestogas They left their tracks upon the land. Some would fail and some would prosper Some would die and some would kill Some would thank the Lord for their deliverance And some would curse John Sutter's Mill. Well, they came from New York City, And they came from Alabam' With their dreams of finding fortunes In this wild unsettled land. Well, some fell prey to hostile arrows As they tried to cross the plains. And some were lost in the Rocky mountains With their hands froze to the reins. Oh... Some would fail and some would prosper Some would die and some would kill Some would thank the Lord for their deliverance And some would curse John Sutter's Mill. Well, some pushed on to California And others stopped to take their rest. And by the Spring of Eighteen-sixty They had opened up the west. And then the railroad came behind them And the land was plowed and tamed, When Old John Sutter went to meet his maker, He'd not one penny to his name. Oh... Some would fail and some would prosper Some would die and some would kill Some would thank the Lord for their deliverance And some would curse John Sutter's Mill. And some would curse John Sutter's Mill Some men's thirsts are never filled.
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