that\'s it 和that\'s that有什么区别?

that\'s it 和that\'s that有什么区别?

That's it. 那就这样吧 。就到这 。那就这么着吧 。【商量语气 , 多为结束语】That’s it! 没错!是的!对啦!就是这样!That's it. 对了 。【That is it: 就是这样、这就是了 】Student: That is it sir. The link between man &God is FAITH. That is all that keeps things moving &alive.学生:先生 , 【这就是了 , 就是这个了】 。人和上帝之间的连接就是信心 。这就是让所有事物持续并有活力的原因 。Along the strand, there are too few shorebirds: some solitary sandpipers, least timid of the waders, but 【that is it】.海岸边的滨鸟很少 , 只有一些孤独的鹬和胆小的水禽 , 但事实【确实是这样】 。That's that!就是这样!/再没什么可说的了 。/让它去吧 。【口气较武断 , 就这么着了、不必再说了】That's that. 就这样而已例句:The documents are far more complicated than normal commercial deal, where money changed hands and that is that.这些文件比任何正常商业交易要复杂得多 , 后者只是钱一转手【就完事了】 。You'll have to finish it within two days, and 【that's that】. 你们必须在两天内完工,【就这样】 。
【that\'s it 和that\'s that有什么区别?】
