英语婚礼祝福语 适合婚礼祝福的英语句子

恭祝:永结同心 , 永浴爱河 。
I wish you love forever.
恭祝:天地配合 , 成双成业 。
Congratulations: Heaven and earth cooperate to form a double industry.
真诚的爱情的结合是一切结合中最纯洁的 , 祝福你们!
The combination of sincere love is the purest of all combinations. Best wishes to you!
Happy new brother! I wish you and your sister-in-law happiness and longevity!
愿你俩永浴爱河 , 白头偕老!
May you two be in love forever and grow old together!
为你开心 , 为你祝福 , 愿以后的日子 , 你们相伴相守!
Happy for you, blessing for you, wish the future days, you accompany each other!
【英语婚礼祝福语 适合婚礼祝福的英语句子】恭喜你!酒与杯从此形影不离!祝福你!酒与杯恩恩爱爱!!
congratulations! Wine and cup are inseparable from each other! Bless you! Wine and cup, love!!
曾经的美好闭口不提 , 愿余生的你能永远拥抱幸福 , 新婚快乐!
