迈克尔杰克逊《Black or white》的中文歌词是什么

【迈克尔杰克逊《Black or white》的中文歌词是什么】

迈克尔杰克逊《Black or white》的中文歌词是什么

Black Or White 是黑是白I Took My Baby On A Saturday Bang 我带着宝贝去度周末black or white MV截图(20张)Boy Is That Girl With You 小伙子 , 这是你的姑娘?Yes We're One And The Same 是的 , 我们心心相印 , 合二为一Now I Believe In Miracles 现在我相信奇迹And A Miracle Has Happened Tonight 而今夜奇迹已经显现But, If You're Thinkin' About My Baby 但如果你在意我的姑娘It Don't Matter If You're Black Or White 你是黑是白都没有关系They Print My Message In The Saturday Sun 他们把我的消息印在周末《太阳报》上I Had To Tell Them I Ain't Second To None 我告诉他们我不是王And I Told About Equality And It's True 我坚信人人平等Either You're Wrong Or You're Right 无论你是对是错都改变不了这个真理But, If You're Thinkin' About My Baby 但如果你在意我的姑娘It Don't Matter If You're Black Or White 你是黑是白都没有关系I Am Tired Of This Devil 我厌倦了这样的谬误I Am Tired Of This Stuff 我厌倦了这样的素材I Am Tired Of This Business 我厌倦了这样的生意场Sew When The Going Gets Rough只到亡羊才去补牢I Ain't Scared Of Your Brother 我不怕你的哥们I Ain't Scared Of No Sheets 我不怕小报绯闻I Ain't Scared Of Anybody 我不怕任何人Girl When The Goin' Gets Mean 宝贝 , 只要一切有意义[L. T. B.说唱]Protection For Gangs, Clubs And Nations 帮派、社团、民族各自为政Causing Grief In Human Relations 人际关系不断遭到创伤It's A Turf War On A Global Scale这是世界级别的区域大战I'd Rather Hear Both Sides Of The Tale 我倒宁可兼听双方See, It's Not About Races 无关于种族Just Places Faces 只关于面孔和地方Where Your Blood Comes From 要知道你的血缘Is Where Your Space Is 要清楚你的位置I've Seen The Bright Get Duller 我看见光明正在黯淡I'm Not Going To Spend My Life Being A Color 我这辈子不是为了某种肤色而活[Michael]Don't Tell Me You Agree With Me 不要说你同意我的言论When I Saw You Kicking Dirt In My Eye 当你还在我的面前恶意中伤But, If You're Thinkin' About My Baby 但如果你在意我的姑娘It Don't Matter If You're Black Or White 你是黑是白都没有关系I Said If You're Thinkin' Of Being My Baby 我说如果你想成为我的宝贝It Don't Matter If You're Black Or White 你是黑是白都没有关系I Said If You're Thinkin' Of Being My Brother 我说如果你想成为我的兄弟It Don't Matter If You're Black Or White 你是黑是白都没有关系It's Black,it's White 这是黑 , 这是白It's Tough For Them To Get By 这很难让他们找到It's Black,it's White 这是黑 , 这是白It's Black,it's White 这是黑 , 这是白It's Tough For Them To Get By 这很难让他们找到It's Black,it's White 这是黑 , 这是白
