精选推荐 对圣诞节的祝福语英文

1. 願您從現在到來年幸福快樂 。Wishing you happiness now and throughout the year.
2. 給我最好的朋友一個聖誕祝福!A Christmas wish for my best friend!
3. 願您幸福快樂,直到永遠永遠 。Wish you a happy, forever forever.
4. 發揮你的熱情,讓理想變為現實 。Take your passion and make it come true.
5. 聖誕節了,你眼裡有珠,珠裡也一定要有我!In Christmas, your eyes usu beads must have me!
6. 願聖誕佳節的喜悅,伴隨您在度過新的一年 。May the joy of Christmas be with you throughout the year.
7. 願快樂隨時與您同在,就如同我們與您寸步不離一般 。May happiness follow you everywhere, follow you eerywhere. just like we do.
8. 你知道聖誕老人在哪裡嗎?他偷走了我的心;是不是給你 。Do you know where Santa Claus? He stole my heart; Is it for you.
9. 因為有愛,生活變成幸福 。因為有你,這個聖誕變得快樂 。Because there is love, life becomes happy. Because of you, this Christmas be happy.
10. 希望新的一年,上帝與你同在,願愛與你同在 。聖誕快樂!Hope the New Year, god be with you, love be with you. Merry Christmas!
11. 平安夜,我隻想靜靜地抱著你,因為你是我永遠的聖誕禮物 。On Christmas Eve, I just want to quietly hold you, because you are my forever Christmas gifts.
12. 以真摯熱誠的祝福,在聖誕之際思念你 。祝聖誕快樂,新年快樂!Warm and sincere blessings, thinking of you at Christmas. Wishing you all a merry Christmas and a happy New Year!
13. 在日的晚上煮兩個雞蛋,我吃了一個,送給你的就是一個“聖誕” 。
14. On the evening of , cook two eggs, I ate one, is a "Christmas" to you.
15. 祝福冇變,關懷還在 。送上問候,傳遞相思,聖誕快樂!好運滾滾來!Blessing did not change, caring. Send you greetings, acacia, merry Christmas! Good luck rolling!
1. 平安夜,祝你平平安安;聖誕夜,願你幸福快樂;狂歡夜,讓我們一起狂歡!On Christmas Eve, I wish you go in peace; On Christmas Eve, wish you happy; Carnival night, let's party!
2. 你的聲音,你的微笑,是聖誕老人送給我的最好禮物,願意打個電話給我嗎?Your voice, your smile, is that Santa Claus gave me the best gift, would you like to give me a call?
3. 聖誕之花拿在手,聖誕禮帽戴在頭,聖誕禮物包中藏,聖誕女神你何時來到?Christmas flower in hand, a Santa hat on head, hides, Christmas gift package goddess of Christmas when you come to?
4. 寶貝,平安夜的晚上我將和聖誕老人一起了現在你的麵前,把眼睛閉上數到三 。Christmas Eve night, baby I'm going to the front of you now with Santa Claus, his eyes closed count to three.
5. 聖誕最有人情味,充滿仁愛的時節,它如同陽光明媚玫瑰吐露芬芳的六月 。Christmas is the most human and kindly of season, as the month of June with sunshine and the balmy breath of roses.
6. 小懶豬,才起床啊,快睜大眼睛,昨天夜裡在你枕頭下藏了一件很特彆的禮物哦!Small lazy pig, didn't get up, quickly open your eyes and hide under your pillow last night with a very special gift!
7. 有一種愛無與倫比,有一種情無法忘記,那就是老師的愛和情 。祝聖誕元旦快樂!There is a love, there is a kind of mood can't forget, that is the teacher's love and affection. I wish a happy Christmas New Year's day!
8. 這些天來一直有個問題困惑著我:你明明不是母雞,為什麼人人都要祝你生蛋快樂?These days there has been a problem that puzzle me: you clearly is not hen, why everyone want to wish you a happy eggs?
9. 願知道聖誕節會不斷來臨的人們,忘卻和寬恕以往的一切不快,讓我們攜手共進吧!Who may say that Christmas day may ever come to, to forget and forgive everything, let us hand in hand!
