精选推荐 对朋友的圣诞节祝福语英文怎么说

1. 在此佳節,祝你全家聖誕快樂 。In this festival, wish you and yours a merry Christmas.
2. 祝你在新的一年裡健康,快樂 。Wish you healthy in the New Year, happy.
3. 我期待著新年過後,再上您的課 。I look forward to after the New Year, your class.
4. 獻上令你開心的聖誕祝福,我的好友 。A Christmas greeting to cheer you, my good friend.
5. 值此聖誕佳節,獻上我對你所有的愛 。On this Christmas, give all my love to you.
6. 祝聖誕平安,新年中有意想不到的收獲!Wishing you a blessed Christmas and a New Year filled with happy surprises.
7. 今年我們要在王平家過聖誕,歡迎你也來!We will be having Christmas at wang ping's this year. You are welcome to join us!
8. 聖誕節一年隻有一次,但每次來臨都帶來喜悅 。Christmas comes but once a year. But when it comes it brings good cheer.
9. 在此聖誕節和未來的每個聖誕節裡,你都是我唯一的愛!On this Christmas and for many Christmas, you are my only love!
10. 鈴兒響叮鐺,好運一大框,聖誕老人送平安,幸福走四方 。Jingle bells ding dang, good luck a big box, Santa to send peace, happiness away.
11. 給你特彆的祝福,願聖誕和新年帶給你無邊的幸福、如意 。Give you a special blessing to Christmas and New Year bring you endless happiness.
12. 有了你,我的一生才精彩!謝謝你!我的老師!祝您聖誕快樂!Have you, my life was wonderful! Thank you very much. My teacher! I wish you a merry Christmas!
13. 聖誕小賀卡捎去我溫暖如春的問候,祝您擁有幸福甜美的新年 。Christmas greeting to my warm greetings, wish you have a happy sweet New Year.
14. 我有一個希望:平安夜!我希望有你在我身邊!與我一起共進晚餐!I have a wish: Christmas Eve! I hope to have you by my side! Dinner together with me!
15. 今年你願意做我的聖誕老人嗎,在聖誕的晚上將禮物放在我的床頭 。Would you like to be my Father Christmas this year, in the night of Christmas will present on my bed.
16. 你知道聖誕老人在哪裡嗎?去年他拿走了我的襪子!你也要小心呀!Do you know where Santa Claus? Last year he took away my socks! You also need to be careful!
17. 聖誕幸福聖誕樂,聖誕禮物今日多 。願你聖誕全家樂,吉祥如意又團圓 。Christmas happy Christmas, Christmas gift today. Luck and family happy Christmas to you and reunion.
18. 聖誕快樂,我親愛的朋友 。祝福你及你所愛的人新的一年中萬事如意 。Merry Christmas, my dear friend. Best wishes for you and your loved ones best wishes for the New Year.
19. 不管你做什麼,儘你所能,主會佑你成功 。祝你聖誕快樂,快樂永隨 。No matter what you do, do what you can, and the Lord will bless you success. Wish you a merry Christmas and happy with forever.
20. 知道聖誕節是誰的節日嗎?不知道,是你的節日嘛,是聖誕節啊!笨蛋 。Who know that Christmas is the festival? I don't know, is you of festival, Christmas! A fool.
21. 愛是無聲的,情是永恒的 。飛雪飄然的聖誕節,寶貝,我們的心是相擁的!Love is silent, affection is eternal. Fly snow floating Christmas, baby, our hearts are hugs!
1. 我張開雙臂,盼與你共度聖誕佳節 。我的心就是我奉獻給你的聖誕禮物 。My arms are wide open for you this Christmas. My heart is my Christmas present to you.
2. 聖誕的月光和雪花都不如你祝福我的話語,我把同的祝福給你,你快樂嗎?Moonlight Christmas and snowflake bless my speech as you, I give you with blessings, are you happy?
3. 聖誕即將來臨,祝你快樂幸福,對你一年來的關心和照顧表示衷心的感謝 。Wishing you every happiness when Christmas is near, and for your CARES and concerns during the year to express our heartfelt thanks to you for.
