精选推荐 2021年圣诞节经典祝福语英文( 二 )

Christmas is coming. Wish you happy every day and laugh every now and then!
聖誕節,願你心情舒暢,幸福安康 。
Wishing you peace of mind and happiness at Christmas.
When Christmas comes, may you be happy and in a good mood!
May you have a happy Christmas Eve!
May you wear warm Christmas clothes, happy Christmas hats and have a good time at Christmas!
Wishing you happiness and happiness at Christmas!
Wishing you a song in your heart at Christmas and blessings all year long!
May the strong flavor of Christmas surround you and wish you a merry Christmas!
Wishing my friends good health, good luck, laughter every day, every safe year, and a happy Christmas!
當聖誕鐘聲敲響的一刹那,你的生活將流光溢彩 。
When the Christmas bell rings, your life will be brilliant.
始終思念你,捎來聖誕佳節最美好的祝福,祝聖誕吉祥,新年如意 。
I always miss you and wish you the best of Christmas and a happy New Year.
連友誼,傳祝福,祝開開心心迎聖誕 。
Friendship and best wishes for a happy Christmas.
願聖誕之夜的燭光,帶給你溫馨和芬芳 。
May the candlelight of Christmas Eve bring you warmth and fragrance.
Friends, let's get together again for Christmas!
聖誕來臨幸福傳遞,轉發越多越出奇跡,財運福運全屬於你 。
Christmas is coming. The more you forward, the more miracles it will be. The luck and fortune belong to you.
Wishing you a happy Christmas Eve, a merry Christmas and good luck in the New Year!
With warm wishes, I wish you infinite happiness, infinite happiness! Merry Christmas!
希望聖誕祝福給你帶來歡樂,我的好朋友 。
May Christmas greetings bring you joy, my good friend.
Christmas is coming. Happy New Year to you. May you be happy all the time!
Send you a warm and good wish, I wish you happiness, happiness and well-being!
【精选推荐 2021年圣诞节经典祝福语英文】Wishing you good luck and happiness at Christmas!
