

英语四级翻译翻译第一篇:都江堰(Dujiangyan)都江堰(Dujiangyan)坐落 在成都平原西部的岷江上,距成都市约50公里,始建于公元前三世纪 。它的独特之处在于无需用堤坝调控水流 。两千多年来,都江堰- -直有效地发挥着防洪与灌溉作用,使成都平原成为旱涝保收的沃土和中国最重要的粮食产地之一 。都江堰工程体现了我国人民与自然和谐共存的智慧,是全世界年代最久、仍在使用、无坝控水的水利工程 。Dujiangyan, whose construction was started in the 3rd century BC, is located across the Minjiang River in west Chengdu Plain, about 50 kilometres away from Chengdu. What impresses people most is the damless water control. For over 2,000 years, it has been playing an effective role in flood prevention and irrigation, turning the Chengdu Plain into a fertile land guaranteed for harvest against drought or flood and one of the most significant grain production areas in China. Dujiangyan serves as the oldest water conservancy project in the world, which is still used to control water without the help of dam, embodying the Chinese wisdom that people and nature co-exist in harmony.
