flowers and plants 花卉 花草,flowers and plants sentence 花卉造句 花草造句( 二 )

Grown with flowers and plants and carpeted with lawns, the courtyards look neat and orderly, presenting pleasing scenes all year around.
院内养花种草,整齐有序,四季都有宜人的景色 。
Above all, be opposite in the infant flowers and plants (especially certain pollen) allergic person scale crosses adult greatly high.
首先,婴幼儿中对花草(非凡是某些花粉)过敏者的比例大大高过成年人 。
Come from natural nature flowers and plants and fruit extraction cream, make skin guarantee the moist pond enduringly .
来自大自然的天然花草和水果萃取精华,使肌肤持久保湿润泽 。
Better yet, use only rooted flowers and plants and you’ll actually be making oxygen while you walk down the aisle.
也可以更好,只用长根的花朵和植物,这样当你走过过道的时候实际上是在制造氧气 。
There are many mountain, the mountain have many trees and flowers and plants, and a few small animals.
那里还有许多山,山上有很多树木与花草,还有一些小动物 。
Put the plant of flowers and plants and lop long long branches and tendrils together, wash bath to also want to enjoy cool and refreshing.
将花草与垂下长长枝蔓的植物摆放在一起,洗浴也要尽享清凉 。
Choose appetitive adornment, the photograph of flowers and plants, fruit and scenery.
选用促进食欲的装饰品,花草、水果及风景的照片等 。
Canister of basin piling a basin is placed on the balcony, kind on profusion flowers and plants has eyeful green.
在阳台上摆堆盆盆罐罐,种上缤纷花草就有满眼绿色 。
Joseph draws such that flowers and plants and landscape painting have the standard suitable.
约瑟夫画得花卉与风景画具有相当水准 。
Remember that biology teacher who asked her students to bookmark Web sites about flowers and plants?
The application of wild flowers and plants is beneficial to the naturalness of gardens.
加强野生花卉在园林中的应用可提高城市园林的自然度 。
Obviously in future flowers and plants profession prospect light.
可见在未来的花卉行业的前景将一片光明 。
Remember these: can listen to music or period drink tea to soothe emotions flowers and plants.
记住这些:经期可以听音乐或喝花草茶来安抚情绪 。
Look, the carved patterns on the walls mostly take the shape of flowers and plants.
您瞧,这墙面的刻花和装饰,一般都是花草图案的 。

flowers and plants 花卉 花草,flowers and plants sentence 花卉造句 花草造句

We should start from the minor matter, does not tumble trash, does not spit everywhere, does not destroy the flowers and plants trees.
我们应该从小事做起,不乱丢垃圾,不随地吐痰,不破坏花草树木 。
Shen Hong Shen former residence and the adjacent residence is a two-story, before there is a courtyard full of flowers and plants.
沈从文故居与洪深故居相邻,也是一栋二层小楼,前有一庭院,植满了花草 。
The splendid picture, the assorted flowers and plants, each kind ofstrange animal, the splendid placard chart version quickly offer foryou.
精彩的图片,各色的花草,各种稀奇古怪的动物,精彩帖图版快为您奉献 。
And flowers and plants are the same thing, extended. (
花卉和植物是同样的东西,在发展延伸 。
Street’s side kind has filled the beautiful flowers and plants, unusual unattractiveness.
街道的旁边种类填装了美丽的花和植物,异常的不美 。
Investigation and control of the Liriomyza on the flowers and plants in Wuhan City.
