孟晚舟投稿日媒回应牛津叫停华为捐款:将继续资助基础研究( 三 )

Contrary to what some have alleged, Huawei is not after our partners' patents or research results. While we have noted Oxford University's decision to decline further funding for new projects from Huawei, our goal is only to learn from researchers' successes and failures. This type of open collaboration is the only way to close the gap between basic science and its commercial application. It requires not only funding but patience, as the journey from a basic theory to its practical adaptation may take decades.
We can only bridge this divide when universities and companies collaborate. Without basic research by universities, industrial development would lack theoretical foundations; without industry, knowledge would remain cloistered in the ivory towers of academia.
Huawei supports universities so that scientific research can be a lighthouse that illuminates a path toward the future. Scientists own the lighthouse, allowing them to commercialize the fruits of their research however they like.
Huawei will continue funding basic research that leads to advances in science and technology. This collaboration will benefit not only our own commercial efforts, but industry and society as a whole.

以上内容就是孟晚舟投稿日媒回应牛津叫停华为捐款:将继续资助基础研究的内容啦 , 希望对你有所帮助哦!
