“对美国国家科学教育中心而言 , 这里是地球上最强大的地方之一 , 因为它向人们展示了宗教思维和科学思维之间的区别 。极少数的基徒认为地球已经有6000 年的历史 , 而大峡谷就是他们相信的诺亚大洪水的最好证据 。”
每年 , 创世论者都会乘坐竹筏 , 在科罗拉多大峡谷进行几次航行 。一些网站宣称大峡谷之旅会鼓励你的信仰 , 因为在这个圣经中记载的大洪水遗迹 , 我们可以揭示上帝创造万物的真相 。创世论者认为大洪水发生在大约4400年前 。
“当然 , 所有不同分支学科的科学家们已经证明大峡谷的历史要更久远 , 通过岩石、生物学、水纹学来看 , 这里只是一个神奇的地方 , 可以让我们了解科学家们如何解释我们周围的世界 。”
一年一度的美国国家科学教育中心科罗拉多河之行会邀请24名宾客参加 , 期间还会有一名地质学家和一名进化生物学家发表讲话 。今年 , 2名公立学校的教师获得了全程免费奖学金旅行 , 他们可以把自己在旅行中学到的经验和知识带回课堂 。我录制了很多音频 , 未来几周我会发布在科学美国人的科学对话播客中 。
The Explorers Club in New York City—whose members have included Neil Armstrong, Teddy Roosevelt, and the first men to reach both the North and South poles—has a reputation for serving exotic entrees, like fried tarantula and goats' eyeballs. In 1951 the dinner menu featured Pacific spider crabs, turtle soup, bison steak and—allegedly scavenged from glacial ice off the coast of Alaska—a mound of mammoth meat.
One club member who couldn't make the dinner asked to be sent a doggie bag, which he promptly donated to the Bruce Museum in Greenwich, Connecticut. What was particularly odd—odder than displaying leftovers in a museum—was that the mammoth meat was labeled Megatherium, a giant extinct ground sloth native to South America.
【托福听力如何备考 托福听力备考不同分数段学习方法分类精讲】So which was it: mammoth or monster sloth? To find out 64 years later, researchers sequenced some mitochondrial DNA they extracted from the preserved prehistoric takeaway. What they found is that the source of the sample was neither mammoth nor sloth. It was actually sea turtle—meat that likely contributed to both the main course and that turtle soup appetizer.
That's the forensic finding served up in the journal PLoS ONE.
Of course, a double order of sea turtle might not be as exciting as a mouthful of mammoth or a soup?on of sloth. But it may be easier to swallow.
纽约市的探险者俱乐部因提供炒狼蛛和油炸山羊眼球等具有异国情调的主菜而著称 , 该俱乐部成员包括尼尔·阿姆斯特朗、泰迪·罗斯福以及第一批到达北极和南极的人 。1951年 , 俱乐部的晚宴特色菜是太平洋蜘蛛蟹、 海龟汤、 野牛牛排以及据说来自阿拉斯加海岸冰川的猛玛象肉 。
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