jog的中文意思 jog的意思用法大全( 二 )

11.A police car jogged along on the rough path to the village.一辆警车在通向村庄的高低不平的小路上颠簸地行进 。
12.Many old people go jogging in the park in the early morning.大清早许多老年人到公园去慢跑 。
13.After an initial burst of enthusiasm for jogging, I gradually lost interest.一时的热情过去之后,我对慢跑逐渐失去了兴趣 。
14.Their lives just jog along in the quiet farm from day to day.他们的生活在平静的农场上安然地过了一天又一天 。
15.Matters jog along.事情在慢慢地进行 。
16.Matter jogs along.事情按部就班地进行 。
17.You can see several businessmen jogging along in the park every morning for their health.你可以看到好几个商人为了健身每天早晨在公园里慢跑 。
18.Matters jog along somehow.事情稍有进展 。
19.Here the boundary jogs south.边境线在这里向南急转弯
20.Jogging will confer striking benefits.慢跑会带来明显益处 。

