LOCk什么意思 lock的意思用法总结( 二 )

electronic lock 电子锁;电子门锁
hydraulic lock 液压锁紧;液压卡紧;液压封闭
lock handle n. 门把;带锁门把
safety lock 保险机栓 , 保险锁
lock into 受困于
1.Some doors have locks which automatically lock the doors when we close them.有些门上的锁在关门时会自动把门锁好 。
2.To their dismay, the door was locked.使他们惊慌的是, 门已被锁上了 。
3.Claudia inserted her key in the lock.克劳迪娅把钥匙插入锁中 。
4.The boat was locked fast in ice.这条船被冰封住了 。
5.The door was locked on the outside.那扇门从外面锁上了 。
6.Phil locked away the takings every night.菲尔每天晚上都把营业收入锁起来 。
7.He neglected to lock the door yesterday.他昨天忘了锁门 。
8.A lock was screwed on the drawer.在抽屉上用螺丝钉安装锁 。
9.The mechanism tends to lock in cold weather.寒冷的天气里机械装置会变僵硬
10.Muggins here locked his keys in the car!这笨蛋把自己的钥匙锁在汽车里了!
11.The lock 's rather stubborn, it needs oiling.这锁相当难打开, 要加点油了 。
12.Philip locked away all the takings every night.菲利普每晚都把所有进款锁好 。
13.The closer of the shop has to lock up.商店的关门者要锁门
14.In her fright she forgot to lock the door.她因害怕而忘记了锁门 。
15.He has locked away the jewels in the safe.他已经把宝石锁在保险箱中 。
16.The toxins lock the transmission of the nerving pulse.毒液阻止神经向别处传送感知 。
17.British industrial operatives remained locked in primitive tribal attitudes.英国工业工人仍固守旧有的行业观念 。
18.The door's locked, so plainly they must be out.这门锁着 , 明摆着他们不在家 。
19.The lock snapped shut. The jacket snaps in front.锁吧嗒一声关上了 。夹克猛地一声在前面合上了
20.VCD 8 -- (Japanese) Trickily opening method of Civil Locks.VCD九(日语):各种民用锁的紧急开启方法.

