sound听起来的用法 sound的用法总结大全( 二 )

You sound a little down in dumps.你听起来好象情绪有点低落 。
As fun as that may sound, it may be uncomfortable for some of us.这个感觉很好玩,不过可能有些人觉得不舒服 。
Together we had done our best to sound the alarm.我们曾一同竭尽全力发出过警报 。
He slept sound in his mother's cradle song.他在母亲唱的摇篮曲中酣然入睡 。
1、This may sound trivial, but I assure you it is quite important!
2、"Does it sound like music?" — "I wouldn't go that far."
“这听上去像音乐吗?”——“我可不那样认为 。”
3、He did not sound as if he believed her.
他听起来似乎并不相信她 。
知识点11. look/sound/feel/smell/taste + 形容词(或作形容词的分词),译为“……起来”,即“看起来/听起来/摸起来(感觉)/闻起来/尝起来”:
The girl looks beautiful.
The noise sounds annoying.
2. look/sound/feel/smell/taste + like + 名词,译为“……起来像”:
It sounds like a good idea.
The material feels like silk.
知识点21. feel like + 名词,译为“感觉像……”:
When I stood on the stage and saw so many audience sitting below, I felt like the king of a country.
2. feel like + 动名词,译为“想要”(同would like + 不定式):
I feel like swimming today. = I would like to swim today.
I felt my stomach and found it bigger than before.
Please taste our new dessert.
He smelled something burning.
知识点4look与连词连用构成短语动词,可视为及物动词,如look at(= watch)、look into(= investigate)、look over(= examine)等:
The cat looked at the fish hungrily.
All of us should look into the case carefully.
The cat looked hungrily at the fish.
All of us should look carefully into the case.
The cat looked hungry at the fish.(×)
All of us should look careful into the case. (×)
一定注意,当look与介词配合使用时,要用副词而非形容词来修饰这个短语动词 。
look, sound, smell, taste, feel的用法特点
通常以被感觉的东西作主语,虽有被动词味,但不用被动语态 。如:
误:The material is felt nice. 这料子摸起来不错 。(is felt 应改为feels)
