gre备考词汇记忆多久 GRE备考词汇记忆遗忘太快如何应对( 二 )

在精读一本书的同时再读一些其它书,重复记忆是一方面,更重要的是补充自己的知识结构,争取更大的GRE词汇储备,但增加的词汇储备必须紧密贴近GRE考试趋势和要求,否则只是无用功 。
以上就是小编整理的一些学习GRE词汇的方法,更多的是需要考生们自己努力与刻苦,在实践中发挥其效果 。词汇的记忆不仅仅是背诵,也是了解文化的途径和方法 。
immaterial: adj. 非实体的: not composed of matter
【考法1】adj. 非实体的: not composed of matter
【例】 It is only possible to study immaterial forces like gravity by observing their effects on the physical world.
【近】 ethereal, formless, incorporeal, insubstantial, nonmaterial, spiritual
【反】 bodily, corporeal, material, physical, substantial 实体的
【考法2】adj. 无关的,不重要的: of no importance or relevance
【例】 While undoubtedly upsetting, that story is immaterial to the question of why you are late. 尽 管那个故事的确很让人遗憾,但是和你为什么迟到没有半点关系
【近】 extraneous, impertinent, inapplicable, inapposite, irrelevant
【反】 applicable, apposite, apropos, germane, pertinent, relevant 相关的;crucial, important, significant 重要的
GRE核心词汇词组owe to讲解
owe to 得益于,归因于
If someone or something owes a particular quality or their success to a person or thing, they only have it because of that person or thing.
He owed his survivial to his strength as a swimmer and his nerves of still acquired during his service in the Army.
Innovative as it is, the Acto owes much to the theater traditions of other periods and regions.
inadvertent: unintentional, characterized by lack of thought or attention
1) not on purpose; unintentional
2) not paying proper attention
Synonyms: careless, negligent, thoughtless;
The error was both inadvertent and catastrophic.
It was an inadvertent error, to be sure, but nonetheless a mistake that required correction.
【考法1】adj. 疏忽的,不留意的: marked by unintentional lack of care
【例】The military has said it was an inadvertent error. 军方表示这是个疏忽大意的错误
【近】 careless, feckless, heedless, irreflective, thoughtless, uncaring
【反】 advertent, careful, heedful, mindful 留意的,小心的
【考法2】adj. 偶然发生的: happening by chance
【例】an inadvertent encounter with a rattlesnake 偶遇响尾蛇
【近】 casual, fluky, incidental, unintentional, unplanned, unpremeditated, unwitting ,
