agoodway是什么意思 agoodwayto的用法( 二 )

And I think making it physical is a good way to do that. 并且我认为使得其物理化是一个很好的方式去做 。
"How would you feel?" is a good way to help the child understand what courtesy is all about. 比如问孩子“要是你,你会怎么想?”是帮助孩子了解礼貌究竟何为的一个很好的方式 。
Full, deep breathing is a good way to reduce tension, feel relaxed, and reduce stress. 充分、深度呼吸是减少紧张、感觉放松和降低压力的一个好方法 。
Like programming concepts such as modular programming, thinking of documents as multiple, discrete, and logical units of information is a good way to structure your writing
Until now, researchers hadn't come up with a good way to read data out of these molecules. 到目前为止,研究人员并没有拿出一个很好的方式从这些分子中读取数据 。
Using this kind of grouping is a good way to deal with large amounts of information. 这种分组方式对于处理大量的信息是一个好方法 。
Contributing money and other necessities to people who are in great need is a good way to express human love. 向那些需要帮助的人捐献钱财和其他生活必需品是表达人类之爱的一种很好的方式 。
Children easily identify with rewards, so this is a good way to keep their behavior in check. 孩子喜欢受到奖励,因此奖惩制度是训练孩子行为得体的好方法 。
A good way to determine whether a translation is natural is to read it aloud, but unfortunately we never have time for that. 判定某个译文是否地道的好办法就是大声地朗读,但不幸地是,我们从不肯为此花时间 。
When planning your actions, find a good way to measure them and stay accountable. 在规划你的行动时,找一个好的衡量方法,并下定决心 。
But for many of the world's poor, finding a good way to keep food cool is difficult. 但对于世界上很多穷人来说,寻找一种保持食物凉快的好方法很困难 。
Water recycle is a good way to save our resources. 水循环利用是一种很好的节约资源的方法 。
It can be a good way to kill time, especially if you stick to the relatively simple questions, but some people do it for other reasons. 这是消磨时间的好方式,特别是如果你只回答简单的问题,还有些人因为其他原因答疑解惑 。
英语作文A good way to
a healthy body is necessary for a healthy is known,to have
a sound mind,we must first have a sound body.this is of vital
importance.only by keeping ourselves healthy and strong can we feel
energetic and vigorous in studying and working and live a happy life.
keep ourselves fit,physical eercise is the best taking part in
out-door sports,we are closer to nature and can take in fresh air.the
beauty of nature will keep us clear-headed,which is essential to our
health.besides,sports stimulate the circulation of blood and help to
