packet,package,pack packet的用法总结大全( 二 )

12.Please follow the instructions on the packet when you take the drug.吃药时请按照包装上的说明去服用 。
13.He went to the USA and made a packet in office property.他去了美国,靠从事办公室物业赚了大钱 。
14.They thought the packet contained a bomb but it was a false alarm.他们以为包裹里面装有炸弹,结果是虚惊一场 。
15.EEC legislation allowed variation around the nominal weight (that printed on each packet).欧共体的法律允许实际重量可围绕(印在包装上的)标明重量有所出入 。
16.The government has clapped an extra ten pence on a packet of cigarettes.政府对每包香烟加价10便士 。
17.They were giving packets of sweets away for nothing at the supermarket this morning.今天早上超市里免费赠送袋装糖果 。
18.The paper has researched the remote sensing image wavelet packet fusion based on the ARSIS concept.摘要研究了基于ARSIS概念的遥感影像的小波包融合方法 。
19.TCP must be used when applications need to guarantee that a packet arrives intact, in sequence, and unduplicated.当应用程式需要保证封包为完整无缺,依序且未经复制的到达,必须使用TCP 。
20.The packets of washing powder are all different sizes, but, weight for weight, this one is the cheapest.这些袋装洗衣粉大小不一,但就同样分量相比,这一种是最便宜的 。

