春夏秋冬用英语的说法:春天是spring;夏天是summer;秋天是autumn;冬天是winter 。描写春天的英文句子:Spring brings a fresh carpet of green as new life emerges from the thawing ground.当新生命从解冻的地下涌现上来时 , 春天带着新鲜的绿色地毯来临了 。
1、Summer is when the sun shines and the butterflies dance with the flowers.
夏天是太阳照耀 , 蝴蝶在花丛中跳舞的季节 。
2、Autumn finds mother nature painting the leaves and weaving them into a coat of many colors.
【春夏秋冬用英语怎么说】秋天是大自然把树叶编织成多彩世界的时节 。
3、Winter sees a cold blanket cover the earth and animals seeking the shelter of their dens.
冬天如一张寒冷的毯子覆盖了世界 , 小动物们在寻找着他们的庇护所 。
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