表白的英文句子 适合表白的英文句子

表白的英文句子 适合表白的英文句子

【表白的英文句子 适合表白的英文句子】1、喜欢就在一起吧,别辜负了相遇 。
Like to be together, don't let down the encounter.
I don't want anybody but you! I just don't want anybody but you!
3、你就像这朵玫瑰,是我万里挑一才选中的,很荣幸爱上你 。
You are just like this rose. It's one of my best choices. It's a great honor to fall in love with you.
4、你笑起来的样子可真好看,月亮都醉成了一弯,我也醉了 。
You look so beautiful when you laugh. The moon is drunk and I am drunk.
5、你是我的可遇不可求,可遇不可留,可遇不可有 。
You are my chance, my chance, and my chance.
6、你的眼睛没我的好看,因为我的眼里装着你 。
Your eyes are not as good as mine, because I have you in my eyes.
7、你是口中情,眼中喜,心中爱,意中人 。
You are in love with your mouth, happy in your eyes, loving in your heart and loved in your heart.
8、世界很大,难得遇见你,我愿永远这样高调的爱着你 。
The world is very big. It's rare to meet you. I'd like to love you so high-profile forever.
9、我不会在今后问你过得好不好,我会亲自陪你到老 。
I won't ask you how you're doing in the future. I'll accompany you to your old age in person.
10、也许你并不完美,但最起码我认为,你是最好的 。
Maybe you are not perfect, but at least I think you are the best.
