生日文案短句干净 干净文艺短句生日祝福

生日文案短句干净 干净文艺短句生日祝福

【生日文案短句干净 干净文艺短句生日祝福】1、承蒙时光不弃,与成长不期而遇 。
Thanks for the time, and growth.
2、往事不忧,未来何惧,新岁渐长,无忧无虑 。
The past is not worried, the future is not afraid, the new year is growing, carefree.
3、可时光啊,它不听话,总催人长大 。
But time, it is not obedient, always urge people to grow up.
4、干了这一杯十八年的烟火,亲爱的自己,生日快乐 。
After 18 years of fireworks, my dear, happy birthday.
