精选推荐 平安夜短信祝福语唯美100句( 六 )

34、用雪一般的絢爛,為你頌讚;用花一般的芬芳,願你浪漫 。盛開了美麗花瓣;迎來了溫馨聖誕 。提前祝你:平安夜裡平平安,聖誕節日快快樂!
Praise you with the splendor of snow, and wish you romance with the fragrance of flowers. Blooming beautiful petals; ushering in a warm Christmas. I wish you a peaceful night and a happy Christmas day!
With sincere blessing, please let your smile bloom on Christmas Eve, please make your mood happy on Christmas Eve, please smile and sing on Christmas Eve, please keep happiness and happiness on Christmas Eve!
36、明亮的燈火,是我含笑傳情的眼睛,它綴在夜空,為你照亮黑暗的前方,保護你旅途順利 。
The bright light is my smiling eyes. It's hung in the night sky, illuminating the dark front for you and protecting your journey.
37、平安日子道祝福,平安夜裡道平安 。平平安安到永遠,安安平平夢也長 。送個蘋果保佑你,願你一生都平安 。聖誕日平安夜,祝福串串飄過來!
Blessing on a safe day, and peace on a safe night. Safe and secure forever, safe and peaceful dream is long. Send an apple to bless you. May you be safe all your life. Christmas Eve, wish a string of floating over!
38、平安夜念平安,安則平平就安,行路要平穩,心態要平衡,生活要平常,待人要平等,懷平常心說平常話做平常人,安穩就是福,平淡才是真 。
On Christmas Eve, if you want to be safe, you should be safe. The road should be stable, the mind should be balanced, the life should be ordinary, the treatment should be equal. If you say ordinary things with ordinary heart, you should be ordinary. Being safe is happiness, and plain is true.
39、帶上誠摯的祝福,我們上路,平安夜是快樂的起點,是煩惱的終點,但願你記得這兩點,每天開心多一點 。祝平安夜是你的狂歡節!節日快樂!
With sincere blessing, we are on our way. Christmas Eve is the starting point of happiness and the end of worry. I hope you can remember these two points and have more fun every day. May Christmas eve be your Carnival! Happy holidays!
40、思念為時間寫詩,祝福為想念歌唱,真心為祝福祈禱,祈禱你的平安快樂,朋友,平安夜我祈求神保佑你平安健康 。
Missing writes poems for time, blessing sings for missing, sincerely prays for blessing, prays for your peace and happiness, friend, on Christmas Eve I pray God to bless your peace and health.
2、聖誕傳說:信息發一發,鈔票任你花;信息看一看,幸福圍你轉;信息讀一讀,快樂你做主;信息翻一翻,吉祥連成串,信息轉一轉,好運永做伴 。祝你快樂聖誕!
3、雪落冰清夢,遠了深秋;馴鹿踏歌來,近了聖誕 。霓虹閃爍處,輕風送問候,真摯情誼暖心頭,彈指一瞬欲何求,唯願你平安夜與快樂相守,幸福無儘頭!
4、我把沙漏倒過來,過去就變成未來 。願時光為你定格,永遠停在快樂的那一刻 。平安夜,祈願你一生平平安安,日子過得幸福美滿!
5、平安夜,求平安,祝你在家事順,在外掙錢,平平安安又一年;聖誕日,道心願,願你身體康健,福壽無邊,順順利利添財源 。祝你節日快樂,好運連連!
6、據說平安夜要送給自己最喜歡的人一個大大的蘋果,祝他平安 。看到這個你是不是想送我一個蘋果呢?那麼,我也送 。我自己一個蘋果 。哈哈,平安夜快樂!
