Effect of eight kinds of base materials on the cuttage rooting rate of Hydrangea macrophylla ser.
不同基质对八仙花扦插生根的影响 。
Deciduous shrub style such as lilac, spirea, hydrangea, etc.
落叶灌木类,如丁香、绣线菊、绣球花等 。
To see from a distance, it’s like a pink hydrangea;
Tissue Culture and Fast Propagation Technique of Hydrangea macrophylla
Study on micro- propagation technology of Hydrangea macrophylla
Technique for soil-less cultivation of Hydrangea macrophylla
A Study on the Species Diversity on Hydrangea in Gansu
For example, hydrangea, or delphinium and so on, as long as the start plus a small amount of water, then you can direct it to dry naturally;
So never once have any of those guys bought hydrangeas before skipping town.
tank of gas, and hydrangeas.
How many petals are on a hydrangea? (vu99.com)
Ooh, and here are your more traditional hydrangeas.
Hydrangeas, mums, sweetheart roses, and lilies will stay fresh for several days.
绣球花,菊花,蔷薇和百合可以保鲜几天的时间 。
Cross your fingers that they have macapuno ube, coconut mixed with sweet purple yam, purple as hydrangea, creamy and expansive.
祈祷他们有macapuno ube口味吧,它是椰子和甜紫薯混合物,具有绣球花那种紫色,柔滑,昂贵 。
By the afternoon, I was following my old garden mentor around, ducking in and out of magnolias and hydrangeas, looking for the best of the bunch.
到下午时分,我跟在自己的园艺启蒙导师后面,穿梭于木兰和绣球花中,寻找着长势最好的花丛 。
【hydrangea 绣球花 八仙花,hydrangea sentence 绣球花造句】Some of the larger salvias were complementing shrubs: Amistad, the lusty purple, and S. guaranitica, with deep blue flowers, set off the loose white trusses of a Hydrangea paniculata.
有些较大的鼠尾草与灌木相映成趣:友谊鼠尾草(饱满的紫色花)和瓜拉尼鼠尾草(深蓝色花)映衬在松散的白色圆锥绣球(Hydrangea Paniculata)花丛中 。
Studies on the Aluminum Absorption Characteristics of 4 Species Hydrangea Plants
Observations on the Hydrangea Abnormal Development and Chromosome Abnormal Behavior
A Study on the Species Diversity on Hydrangea in Gansu
Hydrangea is an important ornamental plant in the south of Yangtze River.
八仙花是长江流域以南重要的园林观赏植物 。
It shows that there is rich genetic diversity between hydrangea materials. 3.
说明了绣球属植物之间存在丰富的遗传多样性 。
Tissue Culture and Fast Propagation Technique of Hydrangea macrophylla
Make sure those hydrangeas are still vivid.
确保那些绣球花还色彩鲜艳 。
The four cultivars of Hydrangea macrophylla show the different drought damage under different soil drought stress treatment.
本试验主要结论如下:1.在不同梯度土壤干旱胁迫下,八仙花4个品种呈现出不同的旱害表现 。
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