peony 牡丹 牡丹花,peony sentence 牡丹造句 牡丹花造句( 三 )

Peony cigarettes, luxurious and high-graded, AT a moderATe price, are very popular with the salariAT (wage-owners).
“牡丹”香烟,豪华高档而价格适中,深受工薪阶层人士的喜欢 。
when the peony in full bloom, swallows flying; legitimate Rose Michelia, Cherry cooked, the best time of year!
It is the same so far that China’s folk history regards tree peony as the rich and powerful and lucky symbol.
中国民间历史就以牡丹作为富贵吉祥的象征至今也是如此 。
Woman’s impoverished day and fade life is flavorful like the peony if you are armed with the flower’s mood.
女人的清贫日子,怀着花的心情,平淡日子便是国色天香,有滋有味了 。

peony 牡丹 牡丹花,peony sentence 牡丹造句 牡丹花造句

” Peony and this referred to as ” black sheep Peony. (
并将此牡丹称为“枯枝牡丹” 。
Give the feminine beauty that the laurel blossom of the strong fragrance gives not fragrant peony by pitiful image with the fairy .
给馥郁的桂花以可怜的形象给不芬芳的牡丹以天仙的姿色 。
Only the peony is really a national beauty with its bloom shocking the capital.
唯有牡丹真国色,花开时节动京城 。
You inadvertently at a corner efforts core-pulling, climbing roses should not comparable to the noble peony.
在你的某个不经意间,瞥见我在角落努力地抽芯吐蕊,不能媲美牡丹的高贵 。
CONCLUSION The PF content of White Peony Root could be increased by braising process, and the process does not influence the FTIR spectra.
结论蒸制加工有利于提高杭白芍的芍药苷含量,而加工方法不影响杭白芍的FTIR光谱 。
From Tang Dynasty on, people were all attracted to peony.
For all its attention to formal rules, “Peony in Love” becomes puzzlingly inconsistent once it wafts Peony out of her earthly body.
所有注意力转向正式规则,“牡丹情”成为费解不一致一旦牡丹飘荡出她人间机构 。
Peony the United States less than you, than you cherry red, Xiaodi young girl, a happy Children’s Day!
Carnations are not so leisure as peony, not so fragrant as lily, but they give out delicate fragrance, just like your love to me.
五月康乃馨,没有牡丹的雍容,没有百合的浓香,只是默默散发着沁人心脾的清香,就像您对我的爱 。
A noble fragrance of fresh peony mixed with a touch of rose, eternal symbol of womanhood, was bottled in this perfume.
香氛洋溢出高贵的牡丹花香调子,融合淡淡的玫瑰香,极致优雅地流淌于迷人的香水樽里 。
The best extraction conditions in accordance with peony red pigment extraction, from the brightly-colored pigments, the best.
按照最佳浸提条件提取芍药红色素,所得色素色泽鲜艳,效果最好 。
Surprisingly, the red peony is always with two white flowers.
更奇怪的是,红牡丹从中总会兼开两朵洁白色的白牡丹 。
At the work, Dayong began to realize that his wife and her sister were peony flower goddesses .
大用这才知道自己的妻子和弟妹都是牡丹花神变的 。
She just like like a is in bud, beauty and not the peony monster, colourful and not common, QianJiaoBaiMei and incomparable.
她宛如一朵含苞待放的牡丹花,美而不妖,艳而不俗,千娇百媚,无与伦比 。
The peony was in full bloom and I was just delighting in its beauty. But not long after, it suddenly wilted completely.
这麽盛开的牡丹花,刚才看到才很开心,但是才不久的时间,忽然间整个凋谢了 。
