Popular as a backyard plant around the world, the tree peony grows slowly over the first three years and then suddenly flourishes.
通常种植在庭院到世界各地,牡丹树生长缓慢经过三年之后就会突然繁荣茂盛 。它可以成活超过百年 。
These poems, or the appearance of a direct chant the beauty of peony, or by flowers and poetry, care material implication.
这些诗或直接咏叹牡丹的形貌之美,或借花抒怀,托物寓意 。
Longmen grottoes flavour is one of the major Chinese stone carving art treasure, luoyang peony.
龙门石窟味中国三大石刻艺术宝库之一,洛阳牡丹久负盛名 。
“Red Peony” Life is too short to write the word, which made early in life should be chasing Huan, written also rather special.
《红芍药》词写人生短暂,从而提出人生应追欢及早,写法亦颇有特色 。
Sweet peony root cover, food worm primer, white insecticide to control oneself, to spend such a law is.
盖牡丹根甜,多引虫食,白敛能杀虫,此种花之法也 。
She just like like a is in bud, beauty and not the peony monster, colourful and not common, QianJiaoBaiMei and incomparable.
她宛如一朵含苞待放的牡丹花,美而不妖,艳而不俗,千娇百媚,无与伦比 。
The peony was in full bloom and I was just delighting in its beauty. But not long after, it suddenly wilted completely.
这麽盛开的牡丹花,刚才看到才很开心,但是才不久的时间,忽然间整个凋谢了 。
This vase of peony can be so brilliant and dazzling in colors only after repeated coloring and firing.
一次次地填色,一次次地烧制,这只牡丹花瓶才呈现出如此丰富饱满的色泽 。
The liveliest moment of the evening took place near the end, when two bidders vied for a Qing Dynasty ink painting titled ‘Peony. ‘
当晚气氛最热烈的时刻出现在拍卖接近尾声的时候,两名竞价人抢夺一幅名为《牡丹》(Peony)的清代水墨画 。
“He has you the portrait of that peony cilia clasp. ” Lin Wu leisurely and helplessly looking at her blurred small face.
“他有你那支牡丹发簪的画像 。”林无悠无奈地看着她迷糊的小脸 。
Even if he is a delicate and charming and beautiful peony, also should understand, uts is not spring, spring is the world should be full.
即使自己是一枝娇艳美丽的牡丹,也应明白,一枝独放不是春天,春天应是万紫千红的世界 。
Peony essence is the kind of 100% pure natural abstraction with light yellow colour and fragrant flavor.
牡丹精油为100%纯天然提取淡黄色液体,气味清香 。
Red flower, Chinese peony, black shoulder strap in and Western elements, will be the perfect combination of tradition and fashion.
白色的国花,中国牡丹,玄色肩带中战中西元素,将传统取时髦完善分离 。
Prolonging has a hotel where North Korea opened, it seems that the name calls the peak of tree peony, It is not very clear to write.
在延边有一家北朝鲜开的饭店,名字好象叫牡丹峰,记不太清楚了 。
【peony 牡丹 牡丹花,peony sentence 牡丹造句 牡丹花造句】Osmanthus fragrans, is a very ordinary, very ordinary flowers, it does not roses cutesy, there is no such devotion lotus, nor Peony Grace.
桂花,是一种非常普通,非常平凡的花,它没有玫瑰的娇媚,没有荷花的高洁,也没有牡丹的雍容 。
The contrast between the cold splendor of the chrysanthemum and the gorgeous splendor, say, of the peony is easily seen and understood.
菊花的“冷艳”和牡丹的华丽比较起来,其特色是显而易见的 。
long floating clouds and green bamboo fence , yong splendor of your peony in full bloom , the scent flavorful aroma yi people.
朗月浮云,青竹篱笆,雍荣华贵的牡丹花怒放,花香浓郁,香气溢人 。
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